Burnt Out and Tired


What a great title for a post on my Birthday huh? It’s just the reality and I thought I’d share. As a get a year older today, I realize that life is a challenge. That doesn’t change. Even when you have amazing things and opportunities in your life, there are also things that can really overwhelm as well.

The interesting part is that I have a pretty amazing life. I have a lot to be grateful for. I have so many opportunities and get to do so many amazing things. However, with all that opportunity it’s really easy to get burnt out and tired.

This seems like the moment to remember that my mom told me I can’t do everything. I’d always respond, “You’re right mom, but I’m sure going to try.”

As I’ve gotten a year older, I think I’m going to have to modify that statement. In fact, I’m already doing so in many things. The older I get, the harder I try not to do everything. That’s really hard for someone who enjoys so many things in life. Kind of makes me wish that I only had one skill and interest. Then, I could just focus on it and not worry about all the other things that I wasn’t good at doing.

Of course, even saying that I realize that the grass is always greener on the other side. There are pros and cons to everything in life. That’s a lesson I keep learning over and over again.

I just got off the phone with Crash Uncle. He had some great words of wisdom that talk about enjoying where you’re at and not worrying about a lot of the other stresses in life. Much easier said than done. However, it’s something I’ll be chewing on this week.

Until then, I’m going to knock out a few more things on my to-do list so I don’t have that weight on my shoulders too. There’s something amazingly satisfying when you cross things off your to-do list.